“…These included studies were published from 2007 to 2016 in different countries including the United States, 21,23,27,31 China, 14,24 Brazil, 29,33 Italy, 25,30 Israel, 22 Colombia, 13 Turkey, 28 and Greece. 16,26,32 Of the 16 studies, 6 studies were retrospective cohort study designs, 26–29,31,32 1 study was a prospective cohort study design, 30 and the other 9 studies were case–control designs. 13,14,16,21–25,33 Among those studies, the results of four cohort studies 26,27,31,32 and one case–control study 23 did not adjust for any potential confounders, whereas the remaining studies adjusted for several conventional risk factors.…”