“…In addition to early visual areas, several regions of monkey parietal cortex, including LIP and AIP, are sensitive to disparity information and subtle changes in the apparent depth of a stimulus (Gonzalez & Perez, 1998; Janssen, Srivasta, Ombelet, & Orban, 2008; Theys et al, 2015). In humans, depth processing is localized to a number of areas including V3A (Backus, Fleet, Parker, & Heeger, 2001; Berryhill & Olson, 2009; Tsao, Conway, et al, 2003; Tsao, Vanduffel, et al, 2003), V7/IPS0 (Brouwer, van Ee, & Schwarzbach, 2005), and other areas along the caudal intraparietal sulcus (Rutschmann & Greenlee, 2004). It should perhaps not be surprising that the same areas that are sensitive to 3-D shape information in both monkeys and humans as discussed in the previous section are also implicated in the processing of relative 3-D information.…”