Objectives: This paper reports findings on the usability and staff use of five condition-specific pamphlets of high prevalence in LTC: dementia, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, renal failure, and frailty. The pamphlets were created in response to residents', families', and staff's recommendations for activating early reflections and communication about end-oflife care. Design: A mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) survey design was used. Step one collected survey data on the usability of the pamphlets. Step two collected survey data on pamphlet use. Settings and Participants: Two nurses with specialized palliative care training, two resident /family representatives, ten condition-specific specialists, and 33 LTC palliative leads reviewed the pamphlets for usability prior to distribution. 178 LTC home staff in four participating LTC homes reported on pamphlet use. Measures: Specialists and resident /family representatives were asked to provide open comments and LTC home palliative leads were asked to complete a survey on the accuracy, readability and relevance of the pamphlets. After six months of distribution, all staff in participating LTC homes were asked to complete a survey on pamphlet use, usefulness, and comfort with distribution. Results: The pamphlets were reportedly accurate, relevant, and easy to understand. Following six months of availability, most staff in LTC had read the pamphlets, found the information useful, and planned to share them. However half of the staff questioned their role in pamphlet distribution and most had not distributed them. Regulated staff (i.e. staff affiliated with a regulated profession) expressed more comfort sharing the pamphlets than care aides and support staff. Conclusions/Implications: Condition-specific pamphlets appear to hold promise in providing residents and families with relevant information that may activate early reflections and conversations about end-of-life care. However, structured implementation strategies, training and discussions are required to improve staff comfort with distribution, and explore roles in distribution and follow-up.