The accurate determination of atmospheric temperature with telemetric platforms is an active issue, one that can also be tackled with the aid of multifractal theory to extract fundamental behaviors of the lower atmosphere, which can then be used to facilitate such determinations. Thus, in the framework of the scale relativity theory, PBL dynamics are analyzed through the aid of a multifractal hydrodynamic scenario. Considering the PBL as a complex system that is assimilated to mathematical objects of a multifractal type, its various dynamics work as a multifractal tunnel effect. Such a treatment allows one to define both a multifractal atmospheric transparency coefficient and a multifractal atmospheric reflectance coefficient. These products are then employed to create theoretical temperature profiles, which lead to correspondences with real results obtained by radiometer data (RPG-HATPRO radiometer), with favorable results. Such methods could be further used and refined in future applications to efficiently produce atmospheric temperature theoretical profiles.