Ears are one of the most important sensory organs of the human body. It is one of our primary sensors along with our eyes, nose, skin etc. However, while many people may have perfectly functional ears some suffer from partial or total hearing loss or hearing impairment. In order to tackle this, many suggest the use of hearing aids, sign language, cochlear implants. But of all the different ways, one of the best way to beat this inability is to train oneself to lip read. In simple words, lip reading is the interpretation of the movements of not only the lips but also the face and tongue. While many people are excellent at lip reading, some find it a challenge too difficult to overcome. In regard to this, one cannot deny that whenever some human falls short of something, a manmade technology can make up for the shortcoming to a certain extent. As a result, over the years a lot of time and effort has been invested in studying various lip reading algorithms and speech automations. Through this research paper, the aim is to put forth a study on various lip-reading algorithms, their approaches, their innovations and the central ideas behind their proposed studies.