The limited availability and quality of water resources are key issues of water management, and the protection and preservation of water resources are a requirement in the context of accelerated economic growth and principles of sustainable development. The experimental research presented in this paper is based on the need to identify alternative water sources and support unconventional wastewater treatment methods which would enable their reuse in areas affected by water scarcity and drought. Livestock wastewater contain significant levels of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and may represent an attractive water source for crop irrigation. This paper evaluates the efficacy of a proposed technological process for tertiary wastewater treatment consisting of two steps: electrochemical treatment for the removal of suspended and colloidal impurities and ozone disinfection. The experimental results showed higher efficiencies for the removal of chemical pollutants (92.5% COD, 79.3% BOD, 98.6% TSS, 41% residue saline) and significant inactivation of microorganisms (over 99.9% for total coliform bacteria and in some cases 100% for faecal coliform bacteria and faecal streptococci). The quality of the effluent complies with the regulations for wastewater use in agriculture and allows its reuse for different categories of use considering the required conditions for soil/crops. The successful application of treated wastewater to agricultural crops depends in a high extent on the good practices aimed on the improvement of crop yield and quality, optimisation of soil productivity and protection of the environment undertaken by the economic entities.