“…This includes our oxides of choice in this review: TiO 2 [48,53], SrTiO 3 crystals [50,51,55,68,225,226], and doped SrTiO 3 such as Nb:SrTiO 3 [227], La:SrTiO 3 [228], Fe:SrTiO 3 [58], as well as related oxides such as BaTiO 3 [229,230], PbZrO 3 [231], KTaO 3 [232], NaNbO 3 [233,234], and BiFeO 3 [235]. Similar effects have also been observed for thin films, see, e.g., TiO 2 [236], SrTiO 3 , Fe:SrTiO 3 [225,[237][238][239], BaTiO 3 [230,240], HfO 2 [241][242][243][244], and NiO [245].…”