The aim of our study was to examine the possible effect of steatosis and fibrosis on the blunt force vulnerability of human liver tissue. 3.5 × 3.5 × 2-cm-sized liver tissue blocks were removed from 135 cadavers. All specimens underwent microscopical analysis. The tissue samples were put into a test stand, and a metal rod with a square-shaped head was pushed against the capsular surface. The force (Pmax) causing liver rupture was measured and registered with a Mecmesin AFG-500 force gauge. Six groups were formed according to the histological appearance of the liver tissue: intact (group 1), mild steatosis (group 2), moderate steatosis (group 3), severe steatosis (group 4), fibrosis (group 5), and cirrhosis (group 6). The average Pmax value was 34.1 N in intact liver samples (range from 18.