“…In the context of the LGM, both the radiative forcing due to changes in GHGs, LISs, vegetation, and aerosols and their efficacy (impact on GMST) must be known. Of these forcings, GHGs and LISs have been considered in most LGMbased ECS estimations (Friedrich et al, 2016;Köhler et al, 2017;Schmittner et al, 2011;Stap et al, 2019;von der Heydt et al, 2014). Previous estimates of the LGM LIS forcing account for albedo changes associated with the presence of LISs and the exposure of shelves due to the lowered sea level (Figure 1a), yielding a shortwave forcing ranging from -1.5 to -5.2 W m -2 (Braconnot et al, 2012;Braconnot & Kageyama, 2015;Friedrich et al, 2016;Hansen, Sato, Russell, & Kharecha, 2013;Köhler et al, 2010;Taylor et al, 2007;Tierney, Zhu, et al, 2019).…”