In order to study the aging changes of intramitochondrial RNA synthesis in mouse hepatocytes, 10 groups of aging mice, each consisting of three individuals (total 30) from fetal day 19 to postnatal month 24 were injected with 3 H-uridine, an RNA precursor, sacrificed 1 hour later, and the liver tissues processed for electron microscopic radioautography. On EM radioautograms obtained from each animal the number of mitochondria, the number of labeled mitochondria, and the mitochondrial labeling index labeled with 3 H-uridine showing RNA synthesis in each hepatocytes, both mononucleate and binucleate cells, were counted and the averages in respective aging groups were compared. From the results it was demonstrated that the numbers of mitochondria, the numbers of labeled mitochondria, and the labeling indices of intramitochondrial RNA syntheses in both mononucleate and binucleate hepatocytes of mice at various ages increased and decreased according to the age of the animals.
INTRODUCTIONIntramitochondrial nucleic acid syntheses, both DNA and RNA, in mammalian and avian cells were first demonstrated morphologically by the present authors by means of electron microscopic radioautography with accurate localization in primary cultured cells of the livers and kidneys of mice and chickens in vitro (Nagata et al., 1967a,b) and then in some other established cell lines such as HeLa cells (Nagata, 1972a-d) or mitochondrial fractions prepared from in vivo cells (Nagata, 1974;Nagata et al., 1975Nagata et al., , 1976. It was later commonly found in various cells and tissues not only in vitro obtained from various organs in vivo (Nagata, 1984; Nagata and Murata, 1977; Nagata et al., 1977a-c), but also in vivo cells of various organs such as the salivary glands (Nagata et al., 2000), the liver (Nagata et al., 1979(Nagata et al., , 1982a Ma and Nagata, 1988;Ma et al., 1994), the pancreas (Nagata, 1992;Nagata et al., 1986), the trachea (Sun et al., 1997), the kidneys (Hanai et al., 1994), the testis (Gao et al., , 1995, the uterus (Yamada and Nagata, 1994a,b), the adrenals (Ito and Nagata, 1996;Liang et al., 1999), the brains , the retina (Gunarso, 1984;Gunarso et al., 1996Gunarso et al., , 1997Kong and Nagata, 1994) of mice, rats, and chickens. The relationship between the intramitochondrial RNA synthesis and cell cycle was formerly studied and it was clarified that the intramitochondrial DNA synthesis was performed without nuclear involvement (Nagata, 1972b). However, the relationship between RNA synthesis and the aging of individual animals has not yet been clarified. This article deals with the relationship between RNA synthesis and aging in hepatocytes of mice in vivo at various ages by means of electron microscopic radioautography as part of a serial studies on special cytochemistry (Nagata, 2001) and radioautographology (Nagata, 2002).