DAMPE was sent into space orbit for nearly nine years. Since its expected lifespan is only three years, DAMPE has surpassed its expected lifespan by almost six years. Due to its long stay in orbit, some of its components have met with such puzzles as the capabilities of the equipment are partially degrading. The effects of the space environment are responsible for some of its degradation. So, the knowledge of the space environment in the coming year is vital for DAMPE operation. We focus on the following factors: 1) electrons and protons trapped in Earth’s radiation belts; 2) solar proton effect; 3) cosmic ray effect; 4) atom oxygen distribution. Based on the powerful analytic software SPENVIS, some typical effects of space environments are simulated and analyzed respectively, providing supportive constraints when the task team of DAMPE decides when to lengthen the lifespan, or when to start the reentry to Earth’s atmosphere.