To examine the associations between sterilisation reasons, regret,
and depressive symptoms.
Study Design
Black, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White US women ages 25–45
who participated in the National Survey of Fertility Barriers (NSFB) and
reported a tubal sterilisation surgery were included in the sample for this
study (n=837). Logistic regression was used to examine how
characteristics of the sterilisation surgery (reasons for sterilisation,
time since sterilisation, and new relationship since sterilisation) are
associated with the odds of sterilisation regret, and linear regression was
used to examine associations between sterilisation regret, sociodemographic
factors, and depressive symptoms.
Findings revealed that 28 percent of U.S. women who have undergone
tubal sterilisation report regret. Time since sterilisation and having a
reason for sterilisation other than simply not wanting (more) children
(e.g., situational factors, health problems, encouragement by others, and
other reasons) are associated with significantly higher odds of
sterilisation regret. Finally, sterilisation regret is significantly
associated with depressive symptoms after controlling for sociodemographic
Sterilisation regret is relatively common among women who have
undergone tubal sterilisation, and regret is linked to elevated, but not
necessarily clinical depressive symptoms. The reasons for sterilisation can
have important implications for women’s sterilisation regret and
associated depressive symptoms.