SUMMARYWe analyse the evolution of a system of ÿnite faults by considering the non-linear eigenvalue problems associated to static and dynamic solutions on unbounded domains. We restrict our investigation to the ÿrst eigenvalue (Rayleigh quotient). We point out its physical signiÿcance through a stability analysis and we give an e cient numerical algorithm able to compute it together with the corresponding eigenfunction.We consider the anti-plane shearing on a system of ÿnite faults under a slip-dependent friction in a linear elastic domain, not necessarily bounded. The static problem is formulated in terms of local minima of the energy functional. We introduce the non-linear (static) eigenvalue problem and we prove the existence of a ÿrst eigenvalue=eigenfunction characterizing the isolated local minima. For the dynamic problem, we discuss the existence of solutions with an exponential growth, to deduce a (dynamic) non-linear eigenvalue problem. We prove the existence of a ÿrst dynamic eigenvalue and we analyse its behaviour with respect to the friction parameter. We deduce a mixed ÿnite element discretization of the non-linear spectral problem and we give a numerical algorithm to approach the ÿrst eigenvalue=eigenfunction. Finally we give some numerical results which include convergence tests, on a single fault and a two-faults system, and a comparison between the non-linear spectral results and the time evolution results.