We study heterotic backgrounds with non‐trivial H‐flux and non‐vanishing expectation values of fermionic bilinears, often referred to as gaugino condensates. The gaugini appear in the low energy action via the gauge‐invariant three‐form bilinear normalΣMNP= tr χ¯normalΓMNPχ. For Calabi‐Yau compactifications to four dimensions, the gaugino condensate corresponds to an internal three‐form Σmnp that must be a singlet of the holonomy group. This condition does not hold anymore when an internal H‐flux is turned on and O(α′) effects are included. In this paper we study flux compactifications to three and four‐dimensions on G‐structure manifolds. We derive the generic conditions for supersymmetric solutions. We use integrability conditions and Lichnerowicz type arguments to derive a set of constraints whose solution, together with supersymmetry, is sufficient for finding backgrounds with gaugino condensate.