“…Chiral polyanilines can be synthesized using chemical oxidation of a chiral agent [13,14,15,16,17,18,19] or by electrochemical polymerization [20,21,22], chemical vapor phase polymerization [23], a non-green approach, or chiral complexation with the chiral palladium complex [24]; the latter method incorporates chiral anions onto the main chain of PANI as counter-ion dopants through electrostatic interaction or hydrogen bonding. Naturally occurring amino acids can act as a dopant, where the -COOH group provides doping to conducting polymers by hydrogen bonding, which in turn stabilizes the chiroptical properties of optically active PANI [25]. PANI with specific morphologies have drawn increased attention because of their different physical and chemical properties, which broaden the application to various fields, such as chemical sensor and biosensors, controlled release and delivery, light-emitting and electronic devices, etc.…”