Using ultrafast pump-probe reflectivity with 3.1 eV pump and coherent white light probe (1.1 to 2.6 eV), we show that graphene on gold nanostructures exhibits a strong coupling to the plasmonic resonances of the ordered lattice hole array, thus injecting a high density of hot carriers in graphene through plasmons. The system being studied is single-layer graphene on ultrathin film of gold with periodic arrangements of holes showing anomalous transmission. A comparison is made with gold film with and without hole array. By selectively probing transient carrier dynamics in the spectral regions corresponding to plasmonic resonances, we show efficient plasmon induced hot carrier generation in graphene. We also show that due to high electromagnetic field intensities at the edge of the sub-micron holes, fast decay time (10-100 fs) and short decay length (1 nm) of plasmons, a highly confined density of hot carriers (very close to edge of the holes) is generated by Landau damping of plasmons within the holey gold film. A contribution to transient decay dynamics due to diffusion of initial non-uniform distribution of hot carriers away from the hole edges is observed.Our results are important for future applications of novel hot carrier device concepts where hot carriers with tunable energy can be generated in different graphene regions connected seamlessly. 1 I. INTRODUCTION Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) due to their inherent property of nanoscale confinement and localization, smaller than the interacting light wavelength, show strong lightmatter interaction. This leads plasmonics to a wide variety of applications from efficient harvesting of solar energy to nanoscale optical devices [1-3]. Efficient generation and transfer of hot electron-hole pairs has been at the heart of efficient conversion of solar energy in photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices [4]. Plasmons in nanostructures decay through Landau damping (with damping time of few tens of fs [5-8]) to generate energetic electrons, with energies larger than those of the thermal excitation (known as the hot electrons) at ambient temperatures, [9-14]. Hot carriers can be accessed through plasmon induced hot-electron charge transfer into adjacent interface material [7, 10, 15, 16]. If a high conductance pathway is available, the plasmon generated hot electrons can rapidly conduct over long distances, which might also discourage the electrons once transferred from returning to the plasmonic material. In graphene, electrons move with high velocities (v F =10 6 m/s) and behave like massless Fermions, making it the most desirable material for the high-speed electronics and optoelectronics applications. A substantial challenge to the performance of most of the graphene-based optoelectronic devices [17-19] comes from the weak absorption of light (only 2.3% at normal incidence) in graphene. Thus, efficient hot electron injection in graphene through plasmons gains valuable importance. Graphene in a hybrid plasmonic structure are promising elements for high-speed electrica...