this work, the properties of univalent, that is, Li+, Na+, NH4
+, and TEA+ form perfluorosulfonate
(PFSA) membranes are studied and compared to the properties of H+ form materials. Properties of these polymer membranes including
water uptake, density and conductivity, were investigated for membranes
exposed to various water activity levels. The water uptake by the
membranes decreased in the order H+ > Li+ > Na+ > NH4
+ > TEA+, the same order as the hydration enthalpy (absolute values)
of cations. Conductivity values did not strictly follow this order,
indicating the importance of different factors besides the hydration
level. The partial molar volume of water is derived from the density
data as a function of water content for the various membrane forms.
This provides further insight into the water, cation, and polymer
interactions. Factors that contribute to the conductivity of these
membranes include the size of cations, the electrostatic attraction
between cations and sulfonate group, and the ion-dipole and hydrogen
bonding interactions between cations and water. NH4
+ transport is surprisingly high given the low water uptake
in NH4
+ form membranes. We attribute this to
the ability of this ion to develop hydrogen bonded structures that
helps to overcome electrostatic interactions with sulfonates. Pulsed-field
gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to measure
the diffusion coefficient of water in the membranes. FT-IR spectroscopy
is employed to probe cation interactions with water and sulfonate
sites in the polymer. Overall, the results reflect a competition between
the strong electrostatic interaction between cation and sulfonate
versus hydration and hydrogen bonding which vary with cation type.