This paper investigates the stochastic resonance (SR) phenomenon induced by the multiplicative periodic signal in a cancer growth system with the cross-correlated noises and time delay. To describe the periodic change of the birth rate due to the periodic treatment, a multiplicative periodic signal is added to the system. Under the condition of small delay time, the analytical expression of the signal-to-noise ratio RSNR is derived in the adiabatic limit. By numerical calculation, the effects of the cross-correlation strength λ and the delay time τ on RSNR are respectively discussed. The existence of a peak in the curves of RSNR as a function of the noise intensities indicates the occurrence of the SR phenomenon. It is found that λ and τ play opposite role on the SR phenomenon, i.e., the SR is suppressed by increasing λ whereas it is enhanced with the increase of τ, which is different from the case where the periodic signal is additive.