IntroductionPBMCs in healthy individuals consist of roughly 70% T cells, 10% B cells, 10% monocytes, and 1% each of natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells (DCs). Three distinct blood monocyte subsets can be identified on the basis of CD14 and CD16 expression: ϳ 90% CD14 ϩϩ CD16 Ϫ , 10% CD14 ϩ CD16 ϩϩ , and a minor population of CD14 ϩϩ CD16 ϩ . 1 DCs are potent APCs with a nearly unique capacity to prime naive T lymphocytes. 1 Because of their paucity in blood, DCs are typically generated by culturing monocytes ex vivo with cytokines. 2,3 Little is known about the interaction of PBMCs with viruses that principally replicate in nonimmune cells. Here, we investigate the effect of infecting PBMCs with 3 representative nonhemotropic viruses that are highly lytic to their normal host cells.
PBMC infectionFresh buffy coat preparations were obtained from healthy anoymous donors at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) blood bank who provided informed consent. We also obtained whole blood from healthy donors with informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki approved by University of California at Los Angeles Institutional Review Board. PBMCs or purified monocytes were incubated with virus for 1 hour at room temperature in balanced salt solution with 0.1% BSA and then resuspended at 1 ϫ 10 6 cells per well in complete RPMI 1640. Six or 18 hours after infection, cells were stained with mAbs including PerCP-eFluor 710-conjugated anti-CD3, -CD14, -CD19, and -CD56 or a combination of these "lineage marker" mAbs (all eBioscience); eFluor 450-conjugated anti-HLA-DR, AlexaFluor700 anti-CD11c, and PE-Cy7-conjugated anti-CD123 (all eBioscience); AlexaFluor488 anti-hemagglutinin (Bennink-Yewdell Lab, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases); PE-Cy7-conjugated anti-TNF, eFluor605NC anti-CD16, and PE anti-CD83 (all eBioscience); PE anti-CD1c (Miltenyi Biotec); PE anti-CD141 (BD Biosciences); FITC anti-CLEC4C (Miltenyi Biotec); and APC anti-CLEC9A (R&D Systems).
Real-time PCRAfter 6 hours' infection, total RNA purified from influenza A virus (IAV)-infected monocytes primed with random hexamers was PCR analyzed with Profiler PCR arrays for DC APC and IFN/IFN receptor gene expression (SABiosciences PAHS-406 and PAHS-064), with expression normalized to 5 internal housekeeping genes. A custom array was obtained from SABiosciences for the detection of the human genes CCR7, CD1C,, and LAMP3 (DC-LAMP).
Results and discussionWe chose 3 representative viruses: IAV, vesicular stomatitis (VSV), and vaccinia virus (VV). For VV and VSV, we measured infection by expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein inserted into the viral genome. For IAV, infection was monitored by cell surface expression of hemagglutinin. After infecting PBMCs for 6 or 18 hours, cells were characterized by standard flow cytometry phenotypic markers ( Figure 1A).For each of the 3 viruses tested, T cells (CD3 ϩ ), B cells (CD19 ϩ ), and NK cells (CD56 ϩ ) expressed negligible or undetectable levels of viral proteins over...