-At the Purkinje (P) -ventricular (V) junction a zone of "transitional (T)" cells is found. In the present study we investigated the role of these T cells in P-to-V conduction. Using the "model clamp" technique, an experimentally recorded rabbit P cell was coupled to a phase-2 Luo and Rudy (LR) model cell, which in turn was coupled to a strand of phase-2 LR model cells. In our experiments, the single LR model represents the T cell, while the strand of LR models represents subendocardial V cells. This approach enabled us to change selectively coupling conductance (G c ) between cells, presence of T cell, and relative size of cells. We demonstrated that: 1) a decrease of G c between P-T and T-V increases the delay of V activation, 2) the delay of V activation is importantly due to conduction between T and V cells, 3) there is a critical G c for successful conduction at the P-V junction, 4) the critical value of G c for conduction at the P-V junction is lower in presence (11.0±0.7 nS) than in absence (13.7±0.8 nS) of the T cell, and 5) enlargement of the T zone size hampers successful P-to-V conduction. Keywords -Heart, electrophysiology, gap junction, Purkinjeventricular junction, conduction
I. INTRODUCTIONAt the junction between Purkinje (P) fibers and ventricular (V) myocardium a tiny zone is found populated with cells that are called "transitional (T)" [1,2]. The P fibers are connected via short thin branches to sheets of these T cells, which in turn are connected via short thin branches to the V myocardium [3]. This anatomic arrangement is thought to form a high-resistance barrier [3], which may benefit P-to-V conduction by shielding a relatively small P fiber from the electrical load imposed by a relatively large V mass [4]. In addition, it is thought to contribute to the discontinuous conduction at the P-V junction [4,5]. In the present study, we measured the effects of the presence of T cells on action potential transfer at the P-V junction. Using an extended version of the "model clamp" technique [6], we electrically coupled an isolated rabbit cardiac P cell by any desired value of "gap junctional conductance" to a strand of ventricular cells of the phase-2 Luo and Rudy (LR) model [7]. In between, we can add another LR model cell, representing in our experimental set-up the T cell. This approach allowed us to study selectively the importance of T cells in conduction at the P-V junction.
II. METHODOLOGYCell preparation. Single P cells were isolated from rabbit hearts by enzymatic dissociation. Hearts were quickly removed from anaesthetized rabbits (1 ml/kg Hypnorm), mounted on a Langendorff perfusion apparatus, and perfused with the following solutions: 1) Tyrode's solution for 10 min; 2) nominally 'Ca 2+ -free' Tyrode's solution for 10 min; and 3) nominally 'Ca 2+ -free' Tyrode's solution with collagenase (59 U/L type B and 150 U/L type P; Boehringer) and 250 mg/L trypsin inhibitor (Boehringer) for 30 min. Subsequently, freerunning P fibers, free from ventricular tissue, were excised from both ven...