Until now, learning is still focused on thecognitive realm only. One aspect that is often neglected issocial attitudes, which are part of the affective aspect thathas an essential role in social life. The limited number ofresearchers who touch on this area makes referencesources of social attitudes still limited. This study is aSystematic Literature Review (SLR) using the PRISMAmodel. This model is considered a reasonablycomprehensive model because it has four main stages:identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion.Researchers collected data from various open access datasources such as Google Scholar, Web of Science (WoS),Scopus, ERIC, Researchgate.net, Academia.com, andSciencedirect.com. Furthermore, the data were analyzedusing content analysis techniques in obtaining anoverview of trends and implications of research oneducation and learning social attitudes over the past tenyears. The results showed that there were only 14 articlesthat met the criteria for further analysis. The fourteenarticles discuss several main research topics, such as (1)improving students' social attitudes through learningmodels/approaches/methods, (2) learning social attitudesin the context of inclusive education, (3) developing andvalidating social attitude instruments, and so on other.These findings indicate the need for further and morecomprehensive research on learning social attitudes sothat this aspect is increasingly understood by variouselements of education as an aspect that is as important asthe cognitive aspect.