Decline curve analysis (DCA) is one of the most common
tools to
estimate hydrocarbon reserves. Recently, many decline curve models
have been developed for unconventional reservoirs because of the complex
driving mechanisms and production systems of such resources. DCA is
subjected to some uncertainties. These uncertainties are mainly related
to the data size available for regression, the quality of the data,
and the selected decline curve model/s to be used. In this research,
first, 20 decline curve models were summarized. For each model, the
four basic equations were completed analytically. Second, 16 decline
curve models were used with different data sizes and then a machine
learning (ML) algorithm was used to detect the outlier from shale
gas production data with different thresholds of 10, 15, and 20%.
After that, the 16 models were compared based on different data sizes
and the three levels of data quality. The results showed differences
among all models’ performances in the goodness of fitting and
prediction reliability based on the data size. Also, some models are
more sensitive to removing the outlier than others. For example, Duong
and Wang’s models seemed to be less affected by removing the
outlier compared to Weng, Hesieh, stretched exponential production
decline (SEPD), logistic growth (LGM), and fractional decline curve
(FDC) models. Further, the extended exponential decline curve analysis
(EEDCA) and the hyperbolic–exponential hybrid decline (HEHD)
models tended to underestimate the reserves, and by removing the outlier,
they tended to be more underestimators. This work presented a comparative
analysis among 16 different DCA models based on removing the outlier
using ML. This may motivate researchers for further investigations
to conclude which combination of the outlier removers and DCA models
could be used to improve production forecasting and reserve estimation.