Stoker fi red boiler plants are common throughout Eastern Europe. Increasingly strict emission standards will require application of secondary NO x abatement systems on such boilers. Yet operation of such systems, in addition to reducing NO x emissions, may also lead to emission of undesirable substances, for example N 2 O. This paper presents results of experimental tests concerning N 2 O formation in the selective non-catalytic NO x emission reduction process (SNCR) in a stoker boiler (WR 25 type). Obtained results lead to an unambiguous conclusion that there is a dependency between the NO x and N 2 O concentrations in the exhaust gas when SNCR process is carried out in a coal-fi red stoker boiler. Fulfi lling new emission standards in the analysed equipment will require 40-50% reduction of NO x concentration. It should be expected that in such a case the N 2 O emission will be approximately 55-60 mg/m³, with the NO x to N 2 O conversion factor of about 40%.