“…On the other hand, foam flooding using conventional commercial surfactants has become another attractive technique and has been paid more attention recently (Amirmoshiri et al, 2018;Bashir et al, 2019;Chen et al, 2018;Da et al, 2018;Hosseini-Nasab and Zitha, 2017;Hurtado et al, 2018;Jian et al, 2015;Lu et al, 2017;Manan et al, 2015;Pu et al, 2019;Rezvani et al, 2020;Risal et al, 2018;Wang et al, 2009Wang et al, , 2019Xu et al, 2020;Yang et al, 2017;Yekeen et al, 2017;Zhu et al, 2004). Foam flooding greatly improved the efficiency of gas injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), which suffers from problems such as gas segregation, viscous fingering, and gas channeling through highpermeability zones so that poor sweep efficiencies were usually obtained (Da et al, 2018;Hosseini-Nasab and Zitha, 2017;Xu et al, 2020;Zhu et al, 2004). When gas was dispersed in water as small bubbles stabilized by surfactants, the displacing fluid is changed from gas to foams, which display much higher apparent viscosity than gas and good plugging properties and reduce significantly the permeability of the gas phase inhibiting viscous fingering.…”