A preparation extracted from human blood platelets, which incorporates 32p from -y-labeled AT32P into one of the two light chains of platelet myosin and platelet myosin head is described. This phosphorylation, which appears to be due to an endogenous kinase, is specific for the myosin light chain in that no other protein extracted in 0.6 M KCI-15 mM Tris HCI (pH 7.5) is phosphorylated. The phosphorylated light chain, which has been purified by gel filtration, releases the covalently bound phosphate after incubation in alkali and not after incubation in acid.Human blood platelets contain three proteins which are similar to muscle contractile proteins. These proteins, platelet myosin, platelet actin, and platelet tropomyosin, have been purified and characterized so that their structure and function can be compared to muscle contractile proteins (1)(2)(3).Platelet myosin is similar to muscle myosin in being composed of two heavy chains (molecular weight 200,000) and two different light chains (molecular weight 20,000 and 15,000). Moreover platelet myosin can be digested by proteolytic enzymes to yield two fragments, rod and head (1, 4). These fragments have similar properties to the rod and subfragment-1 fragments produced by proteolytic cleavage of skeletal-muscle myosin (5).Functionally, platelet myosin and platelet myosin head bind to platelet and skeletal muscle actin and are dissociated from it by ATP. At low ionic strength, in the presence of Mg2+, the ATPase activity of platelet myosin head is activated by rabbit muscle actin. This activation is dependent on Ca2+ in the presence of muscle troponin-tropomyosin (1).Platelet actin, which resembles skeletal muscle actin in molecular weight and ability to undergo a G F (globular fibrous) transformation, activates the ATPase activity of of skeletal-muscle heavy meromyosin. This activation becomes Ca2+-dependent after the addition of rabbit skeletalmuscle troponin-tropomyosin (1). The third contractile protein, platelet tropomyosin, which resembles muscle tropomyosin in several physical and chemical properties, has a molecular weight lower than muscle tropomyosin. This protein has been isolated and characterized by Cohen and Cohen (2).The manner by which the interaction of platelet actin and myosin (as well as actin and myosin from cells other than platelets) is regulated is of current interest. One manner of control of this interaction might be through a troponintropomyosin complex, similar to that present in skeletalmuscle proteins. Only indirect evidence points to the existence of such a system in platelets (1, 2). Reversible phosphorylation of one of the contractile proteins offers another possible control mechanism for platelet contraction and/or aggrega-3115 tion. This is of particular interest, since a protein kinase has been isolated from platelets but the substrate for this kinase has yet to be identified (6).In this paper we describe a preparation extracted from washed, human platelets which incorporates 82p from -ylabeled AT32P into the light cha...