“…Dynorphins are released during stress exposure and the dynorphin/KOR system has been shown to be critical for stress-induced depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors as well as reinstatement to drug seeking (Beardsley et al, 2005;Carey et al, 2007;Carlezon et al, 2006;Chartoff et al, 2012;Ebner et al, 2010;Land et al, 2008;Mague et al, 2003;McLaughlin et al, 2003). It has been shown that following stress, the subsequent release of dynorphin activates KORs within dopaminergic and serotonergic nuclei to produce reinstatement, aversion, and negative affective-like behavioral states Graziane et al, 2013;Land et al, 2009;Tejeda et al, 2013;Van't Veer et al, 2013). In addition to decreasing striatal dopamine levels and inhibiting the firing of dopamine neurons, several reports demonstrate that KOR agonists inhibit dopamine release and alter behavioral affect via action within the nucleus accumbens and/or VTA dopaminergic system (Ebner et al, 2010;Graziane et al, 2013;Shippenberg et al, 2007).…”