A reduction in the number of farmers, urbanization, limited land, poverty, environmental changes, uncertainty of production results and limited access to resources are still being serious problems and have a direct effect on farmers' income. Facing that conditions, in order to survive, social networks are one of the adaptation strategies implemented by the farmers. This research aimed to examine the social phenomena of urban farmers in Subak Sembung, Denpasar City and to try to find the rational actions conducted by the farmers in dealing with economic problems that occurred. This research was conducted in March - October 2020. The location of Subak Sembung was chosen because Subak Sembung is a subak that still exists in Denpasar City. The total samples were 20% of the total population, which is 40 people. This research used qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative method in this research was using a case study, while the quantitative method used a survey. The research results showed that social, economic and environmental changes that occurred caused urban farmers to adapt. The adaptation pattern that was implemented was to apply a survival strategy and a double income pattern. The economic condition of urban farmers in Denpasar City was very good. The social network that was formed is a social network to fellow farmers, farmers to management subak, and farm shops. Action rationalism was performed in the context of improving the economy, working relations, and preserving culture.