We studied the sclerobiont community associated with organogenic and lithic cobbles from soft bottoms in the Khao Lak coastal area (Andaman Sea) that was damaged by the 2004 tsunami. The 15 cobbles examined originate from grab and hand sampling carried out in the years 2006 and 2007 in the depth range of 4.6-15.2 m. A rich endo-and epibenthos was identiWed, mainly consisting of algae, foraminifers, sponges, cnidarians, polychaetes, bryozoans and bivalves. Associations on each examined cobble show similarities in composition and structure being characterized by a few dominant groups. DiVerences were noted in the degree and pattern of colonization, distinguishing for each cobble an upward and a downward side at the time of sampling. The mean total coverage is 15.09% being higher on the upper sides (17.4%) compared to the lower sides (12.8%). Calcareous algae, bivalves and sponges prevail on upper sides, while bryozoans prevail on lower sides. The sclerobionts distribution allowed to infer the orientation of cobbles on the seaXoor during colonization.Major colonization values, exceeding 30% coverage, were observed on organogenic cobbles located in the proximity of reefs or collected from below 12 m of water depth. Conversely, cobbles from the shallowest stations result poorly colonized, independently of their composition. The water turbidity and wave motion as a possible cause of the observed distributions were discussed. The Khao Lak cobble community seems to be largely unaVected by the tsunami event, as suggested by the estimated biodiversity, abundance and coverage of sclerobionts.