Nitriding is a well known technique to improve properties of materials. The process utilizing laser contains many different processes like heat transport and melting effects, diffusion and convection, which partially determine the synthesized coatings. This review concludes the research on titanium nitride synthesis in reactive ambient and draws conclusions for the general handling of the method. Afterwards, it becomes clear which and why, transport processes limit the coating properties.
IntroductionHard material systems such as titanium nitride play an important role within the field of material sciences and industrial applications. In particular wear and corrosion protection are based on such systems. Beside the classical manufacturing procedures such as PVD or CVD, the method of the direct laser synthesis in a reactive gas environment, as examined here, represents an alternative to the production of such coatings. This review discusses the synthesis of such functional coatings on the system titanium -nitrogen by different laser irradiation based on own results respectively the literature and tries to give a general overview of the physical respectively transport processes taking place. Thus, experiments from the last three decades using similar experimental setups will be compared and discussed. Due to the availability of data of investigations utilizing titanium and nitrogen, this system was taken as a general model. After a discussion of several different experimental analyses and modelling results, the treatments get parameterized. This results in large potentials for technical applications. Finally, general conditions for the synthesis of such coatings with this procedure were set up. By means of these results it is possible to achieve purposefully predefined layer characteristics. The review concludes the most important publications containing research about this process. Thus, it could be assumed to be a reference in relation to laser nitriding or -carburizing. [4] or also hybrid procedures. A further alternative and very simple method is the direct lasers synthesis. The material is placed in a reactive gas environment and will be irradiated with laser light. Due to the developing physical and chemical effects coatings are synthesized, which possess special treatment dependent characteristics. Carburizing, nitro carburizing and/or nitriding are to most common methods from this field of processes. The method of nitriding particularly assists the improvement of tribological properties of surfaces. The surface hardness gets increased, whereby the wear resistance rises. Furthermore, these coatings are usually very non-reactive, which leads to an increase in corrosion protection. In the following the method will be studied more exactly and will be explained. Quantifying of the processes gets an important aim of the work. Arising phenomena will also be modelled. To do these investigations, the model titanium nitrogen has been used. It is a well known and often used system, and has been investigated ...