The Azagny National Park represents one of the most important blocks of forest in Côte d'Ivoire, but its liana assemblage has never been characterized. Liana floristics, diversity, species composition and structure were evaluated. Fourteen plots of 1 ha (20 × 25 m) were established in different biotopes of the forest. All individual lianas of dbh ≥ 1 cm were identified, measured and marked. For each 1 ha plot, old growth forest from secondary forest was distinguished. In total, 5,436 lianas, representing 63 species, 47 genera, and 28 families were identified. The average number of species was 18.35, mean basal area was 0.21 m 2 and mean Fisher's alpha, Shannon index and Simpson diversity index values were 19, 2.81 and 0.72, respectively. Ten dominant plant families accounting for 83% of total species richness, 71% of liana abundance and 71% of basal area were also identified. Twiners, zoochorous, light-demanding and microphanerophyte species dominated. There were more large lianas in old growth forests than in secondary forests. The liana assemblage and species floristic composition is generally similar to that in other tropical African forests.