The G-protein-coupled receptors Lgr4/5/6 are Wnt signalling mediators, but their functions in squamous carcinomas (SCCs) are unclear. Using lineage tracing in Lgr5-EGFP-CreERT2- and Lgr6-EGFP-CreERT2- Rosa26/Tomato reporter mice, we demonstrate that Lgr6, but not Lgr5, acts as an epithelial stem cell marker in vivo in SCCs. We identify, by single molecule in situ hybridisation and cell sorting, rare Lgr6-positive cells in immortalised keratinocytes, and show that their frequency increases in advanced SCCs. Lgr6 expression is enriched in cells with stem cell characteristics, and Lgr6 downregulation in vivo causes increased epidermal proliferation, with expanded lineage tracing from Lgr6+ epidermal stem cells. Surprisingly, Lgr6 germline knockout mice are predisposed to SCC development, by a mechanism that includes compensatory upregulation of Lgr5. These data provide a model for human patients with germline loss of function mutations in WNT pathway genes RSPO1 or LGR4, who show increased susceptibility to squamous tumour development.