We study the finite-time dynamics of an initially localized wave-packet in the Anderson model on the random regular graph (RRG). Considering the full probability distribution Π(x, t) of a particle to be at some distance x from the initial state at time t, we give evidence that Π(x, t) spreads subdiffusively over a range of disorder strengths, wider than a putative non-ergodic phase. We provide a detailed analysis of the propagation of Π(x, t) in space-time (x, t) domain, identifying four different regimes. These regimes in (x, t) are determined by the position of a wave-front X front (t), which moves sub-diffusively to the most distant sites X front (t) ∼ t β with an exponent β < 1. We support our numerical results by a self-consistent semiclassical picture of wavepacket propagation relating the exponent β with the relaxation rate of the return probability Π(0, t) ∼ e −Γt β . Importantly, the Anderson model on the RRG can be considered as proxy of the many-body localization transition (MBL) on the Fock space of a generic interacting system. In the final discussion, we outline possible implications of our findings for MBL. arXiv:1908.11388v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]