We study the collider signatures of a long-lived massive colored scalar transforming trivially under the weak interaction and decaying within the inner sections of a detector such as ATLAS or CMS. In our study, we assume that the colored scalar couples at tree-level to a top quark and a stable fermion, possibly arising from a dark sector or from supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. After implementing the latest experimental searches for long-lived colored scalars, we observe a region of parameter space consistent with a colored electroweak-singlet scalar with mass between ∼200-350 GeV and a lifetime between 0.1-1 mm/c together, with a nearly degenerate dark fermion that may be probed at the √ s = 13 TeV LHC. We show that a search strategy using a combination of cuts on missing transverse energy and impact parameters can exclude regions of parameter space not accessed by prompt searches. We show that a region of parameter space within our simplified model may naturally arise from the light-stop window regime of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, where a light mostly right-handed stop has a mass slightly larger than the lightest neutralino and decays through a four-body process.
MotivationSearching for long-lived massive particles is an active program at the LHC. The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have carried out an extensive list of analysis targeting different topologies for the decay products of long-lived particles within the inner detector as well as particles with large enough lifetimes to escape the detector. In particular, both collaborations have carried out an analysis sensitive to very long-lived charged particles using time-of-flight (TOF) and energy loss, dE/dx information [1,2]. This class of searches is highly model independent since a main requirement for a e-mail: apuente@physics.carleton.ca b e-mail: szynkman@fisica.unlp.edu.ar an event to pass the experimental cuts is the appearance of a muon-like object in the muon spectrometer matched to a track in the inner detector. These searches rule out very longlived gluinos, stops, sbottoms, and staus with masses below ∼1250, 900, 850, 500 GeV, respectively. Searches that target signatures in the inner detector have also been dealt with at the LHC. In particular, both CMS and ATLAS have conducted an analysis looking for disappearing tracks [3,4]. This search is particularly interesting since it targets supersymmetric (SUSY) models where a chargino is near mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino, rendering the chargino with a long lifetime. Within this scenario, the chargino decays to a neutralino and a charged pion with very low p T , low enough for its track to pass reconstruction algorithms. The limits on the chargino mass are on masses below ∼270 GeV and proper lifetimes of ∼0.2 ns. Other searches look for interesting topologies that arise within SUSY scenarios with Rparity violation. In [5,6], the CMS and ATLAS collaborations search for long-lived neutral particles that decay to quarkantiquark pairs and a muon. ...