The NASA Energy-Efficient Engine (E 3 -Engine) is used as the basis of a Weibull-based life and reliability analysis. Each component's life, and thus the engine's life, is defined by high-cycle fatigue or low-cycle fatigue. Knowing the cumulative life distribution of each of the components making up the engine as represented by a Weibull slope is a prerequisite to predicting the life and reliability of the entire engine. As the engine's Weibull slope increases, the predicted life decreases. The predicted engine lives L 5 (95% probability of survival) of approximately 17,000 and 32,000 hr do correlate with current engine-maintenance practices without and with refurbishment, respectively. The individual high-pressure turbine (HPT) blade lives necessary to obtain a blade system life L 0.1 (99.9% probability of survival) of 9000 hr for Weibull slopes of 3, 6, and 9 are 47,391; 20,652; and 15,658 hr, respectively. For a design life of the HPT disks having probable points of failure equal to or greater than 36,000 hr at a probability of survival of 99.9%, the predicted disk system life L 0.1 can vary from 9408 to 24,911 hr.Keywords Design, Engine, Failure, Life, Turbine, WeibullThe classic approach to aircraft engine component design has been deterministic. The deterministic method assumes that full and certain knowledge exists for the service conditions and the material strength. Specific equations with specific material and fluid characteristics then define an engine component's operating conditions. They are coupled with experience-based safety factors to predict the component's performance, life, and