Scheme 3. Selective C2 alkylation of NH-indoles. DMA = N,N-dimethylacetamide, DMF = N,N-dimethylformamide. Scheme 4. a) Control experiments and isolated intermediates. b) Proposed catalytic cycle for the Pd II /NBE-catalyzed C2 alkylationo fNHindoles. Scheme 5. C2 alkylation of an NH-tryptophan derivative. Scheme 6. C2 trifluoroethylation of NH-indoles. acac = acetylacetonate, dbm = dibenzoylmethane. Angewandte Chemie Kurzaufsätze 5893 Scheme 10. Proposed catalytic cycle of the Pd II /NBE-co-catalyzed meta CÀHfunctionalization.Scheme 11. meta-SelectiveC ÀHa lkylations.
Angewandte ChemieKurzaufsätze 5895 Scheme 15. meta-SelectiveC ÀHa rylation of nosyl-protected aryl ethylamines, phenylglycines, and 2-aryl anilines.Scheme 16. meta-Selective CÀHa rylation of benzyl sulfonamides.Scheme 17. meta-Selective CÀHarylation of benzyl amines.Scheme 18. meta-Selective CÀHa rylation of aniline, heterocyclic aromatic amine, phenol, and 2-benzylh eterocycle derivatives.Scheme 19. meta-Selective CÀHa rylation of benzylamine derivatives.Scheme 24. meta-Selective CÀHa minationo fa niline, phenol, benzylamine derivatives and masked aromatic aldehydes.Scheme 25. meta-Selective CÀHa lkynylation of aniline derivatives.Scheme 26. Enantioselective meta CÀHa rylation and alkylation.