SUMMARY -1. A study has been made of the formation of synapses in the superior cervical ganglion of the guinea-pig, during reinnervation either with axons of the cervical sympathetic trunk, or with somatic axons of the nerve to the sternohyoid muscle.2. No significant changes in either the geometry or electrical parameters of sympathetic motorneurones were detected following denervation for periods of 3-6 weeks, or after reinnervation with either preganglionic or somatic axons.3. The post-ganglionic action potential reappeared about 4 weeks after preganglionic trunk section (eighteen of eighteen ganglia); its amplitude increased progressively and was almost normal by more than 10 weeks after nerve section. A very small response was detected from thirteen of eighteen ganglia after periods longer than 8 weeks after cross-reinnervation with somatic axons. 4. Regenerated preganglionic or somatic nerve terminals were demonstrated around the ganglion cells using ZIO impregnation and electronmicroscopy; the structure of these terminals was unchanged following regeneration into the ganglia, although many more synapses were formed by preganglionic terminals than by somatic terminals.5. The facilitation of evoked synaptic potentials which occurs during repetitive stimulation of preganglionic axons was retained following their regeneration, whereas most synapses formed on ganglion cells by regenerating somatic axons showed facilitation of transmitter release during trains of stimuli, rather than the normal depression.6. These observations suggest that the structure and electrical properties of adult mammalian autonomic motorneurones are not under neural control, but that these neurones do show some selectivity in the type of nerve which they will permit to form synapses on them.