of tetrasubstituted C–C double bonds via olefin
metathesis is considered very challenging for classical Ru-based complexes.
In the hope to improve this condition, three ruthenium olefin metathesis
catalysts bearing sterically reduced
carbene (NHC) ligands with xylyl “arms” were synthesized,
characterized using both computational and experimental techniques,
and tested in a number of challenging reactions. The catalysts are
predicted to initiate much faster than the analogue with mesityl
-substituents. We also foreboded the rotation of xylyl
side groups at ambient temperature and the existence of all four atropoisomers
in the solution, which was in agreement with experimental data. These
catalysts exhibited high activity at relatively low temperatures (45–60
°C) and at reduced catalyst loadings in various reactions of
sterically hindered alkenes, including complex polyfunctional substrates
of pharmaceutical interest, such as yangonin precursors, chrysantemic
acid derivatives, analogues of cannabinoid agonists, α-terpineol,
and finally a thermally unstable peroxide.