Quartetting (α-like clustering) occurs in low density matter (≤ 0.03 fm −3 ) which exists, e.g., at the surface of nuclei. It is of interest for the α preformation to calculate the α decay of heavy nuclei such as 212 Po, but also in light nuclei (e.g., 20 Ne) which shows strong signatures of quartetting. We analyze the intrinsic structure of the α-like cluster and the center of mass motion of the quartet, in particular the role of Pauli blocking. The Thomas-Fermi model for the (daughter) core nucleus is improved introducing quasiparticle nucleon states. Calculations performed for harmonic oscillator basis states show that the effective potential for the quartet center of mass motion remains nearly constant within the core nucleus. The relation to the THSR (Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Röpke) approach is discussed.