Controlling mechanical stress in the shallow trench isolation ͑STI͒ process is an increasing concern because it can affect circuit performance and yield. This paper presents the effect of liner oxide densification on the stress-induced junction leakage current in the STI process, compared to high density plasma ͑HDP͒ oxide densification before STI planarization. The simulation was performed for the trench isolation structure. It indicated that high temperature densification of the trench-filled HDP oxide has a high probability of generating STI dislocations due to its inherently large mechanical stress and volume. The crystal defects and the mechanical stresses were significantly reduced by the introduction of liner oxide densification during STI processing; as a result, in the stress-induced junction, leakage characteristics were improved. The characteristics of standby current and column bit failure with regard to device yields have also been discussed.Shallow trench isolation ͑STI͒ is a promising isolation technique for subquarter-micrometer complementary metal oxide semiconductor ͑CMOS͒ integrated circuit processes because of its high scalability and isolation performance. 1 Recently, high density plasma-based chemical vapor deposited ͑CVD͒ oxide has been widely used as a trench filling material because of its desirable characteristics such as good gapfill, low thermal budget, low HF-etching rate, and high throughput. 2 However, STI presents problems related to the trench corner such as gate oxide thinning and gate polywraparound that leads to a parasitic device with enhanced corner conduction and degraded dielectric integrity resulting from fringing fields. It has also been reported that STI corners have high stress regions that depend on the geometry of the layout, the resultant profile produced by STI etching, 3 SiN guardring formation, 4 and volume variations resulting from densification of gap-filling material. 5 Furthermore, stress in the silicon substrate can cause dopant redistribution to an extent that can no longer be neglected when designing scaled devices. 6 Therefore, one of the most challenging issues of an STI process is the reduction of stress generation during the ensuing thermal processing, such as sacrificial oxidation, densification of gapfilling materials, and gate oxidation. There is a parasitic leakage path in a trench-isolated device due to the large mechanical stress caused by the ensuing thermal process, which would generate STI dislocations. Abnormally large leakage current through the junction and transistor has been attributed to the presence of STI dislocations within the junction depletion region. 7 Several proposals have been made for methods of diminishing the residual stress to suppress parasitic device characteristics in STI processing. 8 The impacts of this stress on device functionality and process optimization have been investigated. Park et al. 5 suggested that it is important to minimize the as-deposited stress level by optimizing the relative thickness ratio of the tre...