This study analyzes fluctuations in the atmospheric boundary layer height (aBLH) over a Caribbean island using hourly measured and model-interpolated data from the 2019–2023 period. Our focus is the mean structure, diurnal cycle, and aBLH correlation with meteorological parameters on the leeward coast at Mayaguez (18.2 N, 67.1 W). The mean diurnal cycle of the aBLH increases from 300 m near sunrise (07:00) to 1200 m by 13:00 because of turbulent heating. Summer-time thermal circulations lead to a 3 °C increase in near-surface dewpoint temperature (Td) that propagates upward to 3000 m by 16:00. A case study demonstrates how mid-day trade winds turn onshore and generate significant rainfall and river discharge across the island. The context for this study is provided by a 24 yr cluster analysis that identifies rainfall over the island’s northwest interior driven by upstream heating. Analysis of linear trends from 1979 to 2023 shows that Td declined by −0.02 °C/yr above 1500 m because of large-scale subsidence. However, cool interior forests transpire humidity and instill contrasting trends that may amplify climate extremes. A better understanding of entrainment at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer could be critical for managing future water resources in Caribbean islands.