DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa1505215
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Long-Term Results of Stenting versus Endarterectomy for Carotid-Artery Stenosis

Abstract: BACKGROUND In the Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy versus Stenting Trial, we found no significant difference between the stenting group and the endarterectomy group with respect to the primary composite end point of stroke, myocardial infarction, or death during the periprocedural period or any subsequent ipsilateral stroke during 4 years of follow-up. We now extend the results to 10 years. METHODS Among patients with carotid-artery stenosis who had been randomly assigned to stenting or endarterectom… Show more

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Cited by 602 publications
(358 citation statements)
References 23 publications
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“…3 Although the long-term risk of periprocedural death or stroke is marginally higher after carotid artery stenting (CAS) than CEA, CAS has been proven equivalent to CEA for the composite end point, death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. 4 Whether evidence-based medical therapies are prescribed equally often among patients who undergo CAS and CEA has implications for overall atherothrombotic event (including stroke) risk reductions afforded by these respective revascularization modalities in the real world. Using data from the CARE registry (Carotid Artery Revascularization and Endarterectomy), we compared rates of antiplatelet agent and statin prescription at discharge among patients who underwent CAS or CEA and examined the independent influence of patient, operator, and hospital characteristics on respective prescription rates.…”
confidence: 99%
“…3 Although the long-term risk of periprocedural death or stroke is marginally higher after carotid artery stenting (CAS) than CEA, CAS has been proven equivalent to CEA for the composite end point, death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. 4 Whether evidence-based medical therapies are prescribed equally often among patients who undergo CAS and CEA has implications for overall atherothrombotic event (including stroke) risk reductions afforded by these respective revascularization modalities in the real world. Using data from the CARE registry (Carotid Artery Revascularization and Endarterectomy), we compared rates of antiplatelet agent and statin prescription at discharge among patients who underwent CAS or CEA and examined the independent influence of patient, operator, and hospital characteristics on respective prescription rates.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Through the CSTC, ACST-2 investigators have secured agreement to pool individual patient data from ACST-2 and three other trials that directly compared CEA with CAS in asymptomatic patients -CREST-1 (1182 patients), SPACE-2 (Stent Protected Angioplasty in asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis versus endarterectomy) (320 patients randomised to CAS vs. CEA before three-way trial abandoned) and ACT-1 (NCT00106938: 1450 patients randomised 3 : 1 CAS vs. CEA, equivalent to two-thirds as many randomised 1 : 1) -thereby yielding the equivalent of about 2400 additional patients. [14][15][16] If ACST-2 recruits 3600 patients and pools these data with the CREST-1, SPACE-2 and ACT-1 cohorts, the resulting total of 6000 should more than suffice to identify types of patient in whom one procedure is clearly better than the other, and to assess reliably any effects on disabling and fatal stroke.…”
Section: Meta-analysis Plansmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…U 2016. godini dugoročna klinička ravnoteža u praćenju stentiranja karotidnih arterija (CAS) u odnosu prema karotidnoj endarterektomiji (CEA) potvrđena je 10-godišnjom analizom u studiji CREST (Carotid Revascularisation Endarecteromy vs. Stenting Trial), gdje analiza pokazuje sličnu učestalost smrtnosti, moždanih udara, infarkta miokarda unutar 30 dana, ili ipsilateralnog moždanog udara do 10 godina za obje strategije (11,8 % prema 9,9 %; P = 0,51) (Tablica 1). 5 Periproceduralni moždani udar tijekom CAS-a obično je povezan s embolizacijom plaka. Randomizirana studija ACT (Asymptomatic Carotid Trial) usporedila je CAS s protekcijom od embolizacije u usporedbi s CEA-om u 1453 bolesnika s asimptomatskom karotidnom stenozom, koji nisu uzeti u obzir zbog visokoga kirurškog rizika (Tablica 1).…”
Section: Carotid Artery Diseaseunclassified
“…5 Peri-procedural stroke during CAS is often related to plaque embolization. The randomized Asymptomatic Carotid Trial (ACT) I compared CAS with embolic protection to CEA in 1453 patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis, not considered at high surgical risk ( Table 1).…”
Section: Bolesti Aortementioning
confidence: 99%