“…Others and we have previously shown that Drosophila is an excellent model to study miniCORVET and HOPS mediated vesicular trafficking processes, including endosome maturation in nephrocytes, autophagosome-lysosome fusion in fat cells, crinophagy in salivary glands and eye pigment granule biogenesis (Akbar et al, 2009; Csizmadia et al, 2018; Lindmo et al, 2006; Lőrincz et al, 2016a; Lőrincz et al, 2017a; Lőrincz et al, 2016b; Lőrincz et al, 2017b; Pulipparacharuvil et al, 2005; Sevrioukov et al, 1999; Takáts et al, 2014; Takáts et al, 2015; Warner et al, 1998). We now aimed to answer the question whether the overexpression of CORVET-specific Vps8 or its HOPS-specific counterpart Vps41 could affect HOPS or CORVET dependent processes, respectively, and if so how.…”