“…3 Common modalities of treatment for chalazion are Simple observation with hot moist compression, 5 Conservative management by hot moist compression, meticulous lid hygiene with topical antibiotic or antibiotic steroid medication for a period of six weeks, 5,6 intralesional depot steroid injection, 7 Surgical intervention (incision-curettage, subconjunctival excision and tarasal trephination), 2,8 and combined surgery with intralesional steroid injection, 9 Also uncommon procedures like Co2 laser treatment followed by curette, 10 intralesional injection of Botolinum toxin -A 11 and Low level light therapy. 12 Advantages of intralesional TMA injections are simple outpatient department (OPD) procedure, no anesthesia injection requirement, minimal bleeding, no post procedure scarring, multiple chalazion can be treated at a time , easy to treat chalazion near punctual area and usefull in children and anxietic patients. 2,3 Many studies have been done on the efficacy and complications of TMA injection with various concentration and number of injections, 6,7,13 comparing the response with size of the chalazion, 14 duration of the chalazion, 5,6 gender and between different age group.…”