“…Besides the widely used dyes and polymers, various types of nanocrystals [e.g., inorganic quantum dots (QDs), perovskite nanocrystals, upconversion nanoparticles] have been used as emitters for LSCs. 9,13,15,[24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] Among these, colloidal QDs have attracted a lot of attention due to their size tunable absorption/ emission spectra, high absorption coefficient, high QY, size/ shape/composition tunable Stokes shift, and good photostability. 7,33,[35][36][37][38] However, the most efficient QDs used for LSCs either contain toxic Pb or Cd elements [e.g., PbS/CdS, CdSe/ CdS, CsPb(Br x I 1Àx ) 3 , Mn 2+ -doped Cd x Zn 1Àx S/ZnS] or non-earthabundant and expensive elements, such as InP/ZnO, CuInS, or CuInS/ZnS.…”