The phase coexistence present through a first-order phase transition means there will be finite regions between the two phases where the structure of the system will vary from one phase to the other, known as a phase boundary wall. This region is said to play an important but unknown role in the dynamics of the first-order phase transitions. Here, by using both x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and magnetometry techniques to measure the temporal isothermal development at various points through the thermally activated first-order metamagnetic phase transition present in the near-equiatomic FeRh alloy, we are able to isolate the dynamic behavior of the domain walls in this system. These investigations reveal that relaxation behavior of the domain walls changes when phase coexistence is introduced into the system and that the domain wall dynamics is di↵erent to the macroscale behavior. We attribute this to the e↵ect of the exchange coupling between regions of either magnetic phase changing the dynamic properties of domain walls relative to bulk regions of either phase. We also believe this behavior comes from the influence of the phase boundary wall on other magnetic objects in the system.