Magnetoelectric lead-free composite ceramic based on the piezoelecrtic Ba0.85Ca0.15Ti0.9Zr0.1O3 (BCZT) and magnetic NiCo0.02Cu0.02Mn0.1Fe1.8O4‑d (NCCMF) has been obtained by the solid state method using preliminarily synthesized by the solid-state method precursors. X-ray diffraction measurements, microstructural, magnetic, dielectric, piezoelectric and magnetoelectric studies have been carried out. Impurity phases were not contained in the composites, and there were no signs of interfacial interaction even at the doping level. Ceramics has a high electrical resistivity at direct current (~109 Ω·cm) and, over the entire range of x studied, exhibits a combination of magnetic and piezoelectric parameters, which vary over a wide range and clearly depend on the composites composition. The maximum magnetoelectric coupling coefficient ΔE/ΔH ≈ 90 mV/(cm·Oe) at a frequency of 1 kHz has been observed for specimens with x = 60–70%.