“…The recorded uses were classified into 11 categories: human consumption, animal feed, medicine, veterinary use, toxic and harmful use, fuel, construction, industry and crafts, environmental uses, ornamental, and social, symbolic, and ritual uses (Pardo de Santayana et al, 2014). The management practices were classified into 10 categories, based on an adapted proposal from various authors (Casas et al, 1996(Casas et al, , 2014Blancas et al, 2013;Furlan et al, 2017;Chamorro and Ladio, 2021): "tolerance" referring to species allowed to remain in environments where thinning, pruning, or weeding activities are carried out; "protection" implying actions taken to prevent damage caused by environmental factors to the species; "improvement" involving the favoring of individuals of the species or variety, for example, by eliminating competition, irrigation, seed dispersal, soil improvement (including soil cultivation and addition of fertilizers, among others); "propagation" referring to direct propagation of the species through seeds or vegetative methods; "transplantation" involving the moving individuals that have established naturally or were initially tolerated and then removed; "pruning" referring to the removal of parts of a plant with a specific goal; "gathering" involving direct harvesting of natural populations; "selection" referring to selecting certain phenotypes for reproduction; "community circulation" involving the exchange of plant materials among neighbors, family members, or other individuals; "care for inherited plants" involving the preservation of plants that were initially cultivated by others.…”