Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que a publicação original seja corretamente citada. CONCLUSÕES: A simulação de alta fidelidade no atendimento de urgência e emergência com enfermeiros apresentou-se como uma ferramenta que, associada a outras estratégias de ensino, pode resultar em inúmeros benefícios para os profissionais, para o sistema de saúde e, principalmente, para a segurança dos pacientes. O conhecimento sobre as contribuições que esse método proporciona aos profissionais pode ser um forte aliado para estimular a participação dos mesmos em cenários simulados e também para justificar aos empregadores a necessidade desse tipo de estratégia.DESCRITORES: enfermagem; educação em enfermagem; percepção; simulação de paciente; treinamento com simulação de alta fidelidade; emergência.ABSTRACT AIMS: To identify, in the scientific literature, what are the gains perceived by nurses in the use of simulated high fidelity practices in urgency and emergency situations. METHODS: The search was done in pairs in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin-American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, National Library of Medicine, SCOPUS and Web of Science, using the keywords or their synonyms for each item of the strategy. Thus, nurses OR nursing was used for Population; perception OR "acquisition of knowledge" OR experiences, for Concept; "high fidelity simulation" OR simulation OR emergencies, for Context. RESULTS: Eight studies that met the established inclusion criteria were analyzed, seven of each (88%) being quantitative studies that performed the interventions only with professional nurses. Among the several gains obtained by the nurses, the increase of self-confidence and satisfaction, and improvements in technical and non-technical skills, communication and leadership were remarkable. The fact that each participant had different places of professional performance may have influenced their experience, which may have resulted in different perceptions for each of them. CONCLUSIONS: The high fidelity simulation in urgency and emergency care with nurses presented itself as a tool that, in association with other teaching strategies, can result in countless benefits for professionals, for the health system, and, especially, for patient safety. Knowledge about the contributions this method provides to the professionals can be a reliable ally to stimulate their participation in simulated scenarios and also to justify to the employers the necessity of this type of strategy.