ABSTRACT:The purpose of this paper was to assess the reliability of four standard stereotests and evaluate them by means of their failure rates. Near stereoacuity in 200 healthy young volunteers (24±8 years), was measured with Titmus, Randot, TNO, and Frisby tests. The stereoacuity provided by these four tests were evaluated. Stereoacuity by the normal population, with a limit of 85% of the people, rises 70" with Randot and 120" with TNO independently of gender. Females achieve 80" with Titmus and 30" with Frisby and males reach 140" and 40" with Titmus and Frisby respectively. Failure rates lower than 10% were obtained by all the tests. This study finds differences among stereoacuity measured with different tests and recommends performing, at least, two types of test to evaluate each person.Key words: Stereopsis, stereoacuity, binocular vision, Frisby, Titmus, Randot, TNO
RESUMEN:La finalidad de este trabajo ha sido valorar la fiabilidad de cuatro test de estereopsis y evaluarlos por medio de sus tasas de fallo. Se midió la estereoagudeza en visión próxima de 200 jóvenes voluntarios sanos (24±8 años), con los test Titmus, Randot, TNO y Frisby. Se evaluó la estereopsis proporcionada por estos cuatro test. La estereoagudeza en una población normal, con un límite del 85% alcanza 70" con Randot y 120" con TNO independientemente del género del sujeto. Las mujeres alcanzan 80" con Titmus y 30" con Frisby y los hombres 140" y 40" con Titmus y Frisby respectivamente. Se obtuvieron tasas de error menores del 10% en todos los test. Este estudio muestra diferencias entre la estereoagudeza medida con distintos test y se recomienda, realizar dos tipos de test para evaluar a cada sujeto.Palabras clave: Estereopsis, estereoagudeza, visión binocular, Frisby, Titmus, Randot, TNO [4] L. Garnham, J.J. Sloper, "Effect of age on adult stereoacuity as measured by different types of stereotest", Br J Ophthalmol 90, 91-95 (2006).