“…Probably the most interesting group of genes that we identified encodes receptors for signaling proteins because they might reveal information about the developmental processes happening in the otocyst. These include genes that encode receptors for ligands that are already known for playing roles in otic development such as FGFR1, FZD1, FZD2, FZD3, FZD4, FZD7, NGFR, and NOTCH1, which have previously been shown to be expressed in the vertebrate otocyst (Adam et al 1998;Pirvola et al 2002;Sienknecht and Fekete 2009;Stevens et al 2003;von Bartheld et al 1991;Wright and Mansour 2003). BMPR1, BMPR2, LGFR1, SMO1, PTCH1, DISP1, and TGFBR2 are genes that were presumed to be expressed in the otocyst because their ligands, such as BMPs and other TGFß family members, IGF, as well as hedgehog signaling proteins, have been shown to be expressed and active during inner ear development (Bok et al 2005;Frenz et al 1991Frenz et al , 1992Liu et al 2002;Oh et al 1996;Riccomagno et al 2002;Yamashita and Oesterle 1995).…”